This section provides insights into the ACSRM’s activities promoting African migration studies. The ACSRM supports African academic and research institutions in enhancing knowledge production and understanding of African migration. Through training workshops, lectures, summer schools, conferences, mentoring, and supervision of students on their academic and research papers, joint research projects, and joint publications with scholars, researchers, and experts on African migration, the ACSRM supports African academic and research institutions in strengthening their students’ knowledge and skills about African migration patterns, trends, and policy implications, migration theories and methodologies, and the various (social, cultural, economic, political, legal, and environmental, etc.) implications and dimensions of migration.

The ACSRM supports migration studies and research centers in enhancing understanding of migration patterns and trends. The ACSRM collaborates with African migration studies and research centers in mentoring students on their research papers (Master’s thesis and doctoral dissertations). The ACSRM supports the students in their academic and professional endeavors, and by training them, for instance, in how to write peer-reviewed journal articles, policy briefs, and working papers.

The ACSRM aims to collaborate with migration studies and research centers worldwide to understand migration and mobility issues and address global migration’s pressing problems.
The ACSRM supports in strengthening students’ analytical, theoretical, and methodological skills to analyze the complexity of migration trends, patterns, and dynamics and conduct qualitative and quantitative research on migrants and migration in origin, transit, and destination countries. It works with migration studies and research centers to strengthen students’ skills in conducting interdisciplinary research on migration. It supports in enhancing understanding of the legal and policy debates about migration, including the national, regional, continental (African Union), and international/global policy and legal instruments related to migration.

The ACSRM welcomes the opportunity to develop internship and visiting scholarship programs in collaboration with migration studies and research centers in Africa and all around the world. Anyone interested in the ACSRM’s internship and visiting scholarship program can contact the ACSRM through the following email: acsrm@africa-union.org The ACSRM supports universities in promoting migration studies. It supports designing or strengthening study programs on African migration. Furthermore, the ACSRM through its various publications outlets (African Migration Journal, African Migration Policy Brief Series, African Migration Working Papers Series) fosters migration studies by enabling migration scholars and researchers to publish and disseminate their research findings on African migration issues.

By contributing to policy and research agendas on African migration in close collaboration with African migration scholars, researchers, and practitioners, national, regional, continental (African Union), and international stakeholders, the ACSRM endeavors to boost migration studies in the continent and globally.

The Centre supports migration studies centers to get funding to promote African migration studies. The ACSRM also supports training students and early-career researchers working on African migration issues by exploring the possibility of allocating grants for their studies and research.

Teaching and Training
ACSRM and Institute of African Governance and Development, ESCU, Ethiopia

Documents to download
ACSRM and Center for Migration Studies, UG, Ghana

The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) partners with the Centre for Migration Studies of the University of Ghana in strengthening migration studies through the CMS’s study programs (Master, PhD on Migration Studies).
During the International MIDEQ Conference on Migration and Inequality Nexus at the CMS in 2023, Ibrahima Amadou Dia, Director of ACSRM spoke about, the mandates, and objectives of the ACSRM and the African Union work and policy instruments on migration, lectured on African migration issues, provided advice and mentoring to the CMS students.
The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) has organized in June 2024 a Training Workshop on “African Migration and Academic and Policy-Oriented Research on Migration” for the PhD students of the CMS at the University of Ghana. This training workshop was organized in collaboration with the Centre for Migration Studies (CMS) of the University of Ghana and the University of Upsala. The training workshop was funded by the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) of the African Union Commission. See below the lectures delivered by Ibrahima Amadou Dia, Director of ACSRM during the training. See also the section “Events” for more information about this workshop.