Welcome to the African Center for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM)
Workshop Cameroun

Strengthening the capacities on diaspora engagement for homeland development for the staff of the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) of the Republic of Cameroon (from 21 to 22 June 2023 in Yaoundé, Cameroon) in partnership with Expertise France under the CRPM (Cadre Regional sur les Politiques Migratoires) 

  • Objectives of the workshop 

Through the CRPM Project “Cadre Regional des Politiques Migratoires” of Expertise France, the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) provided capacity-building to the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) staff of the Republic of Cameroon on Migration, Diaspora, and Development issues. This capacity-building workshop involved more than 20 staff of the Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) of the Republic of Cameroon. 

The objective of this workshop held in Yaoundé from 21 to 22 June 2023 was to strengthen the capacities of the staff of the MINREX to mobilize and engage the Cameroonian diaspora for national development endeavors. The specific objectives of this capacity-building workshop revolve around the following elements: 

  • Identify the challenges and opportunities in mobilizing the Cameroonian diaspora to develop their country of origin. 
  • Provide an overview of the policy options, strategies, and measures on diaspora engagement for development alongside international good practices and reflect on the conditions for replicating these good practices in the Cameroonian context. 
  • Strengthen the capacities of institutional actors in developing and implementing strategies and programs on diasporas’ mobilization and engagement for homeland development. 

Ibrahima Amadou Dia, Director of the ACSRM provided the training. Participants have shown genuine enthusiasm on this topic and provided significant inputs in identifying national priorities on diaspora engagement for national development. 

In his welcoming remarks, Alain Koum from the MINREX underlined the significant contribution of the Cameroonian diaspora to Cameroon’s socioeconomic development and the importance given by the Cameroonian government to its diaspora in implementing national development strategies. 

Mr. Koum further underlined the importance of the Regional Framework on Migration Policy project (Cadre Régional sur les Politiques Migratoires (CRPM) in French) in identifying challenges and priorities about mobilizing and engaging diasporas for homeland development and exchanging best practices and experiences on diasporas’ engagement strategies for the inclusive and sustainable socioeconomic development of the country of origin. The CRPM Project was represented by Mr Bamadi Sanokho, Migrations / Public Policy Expert

Documents to download

June 2023

Causes Migration Internationale Camerounaise

June 2023

Compte rendu mission Cameroun Cote d'Ivoire

June 2023

Meeting report Capacity building Cameroon-Cote d'Ivoire

June 2023

Migration internationale competences

June 2023

Mobilisation engage diaspora

June 2023

Transferts fond potentiel development

June 2023

Concept note capacity building workshop Cameroon

June 2023

Note conceptuelle atelier engagement diaspora Cameroun

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