The African Migration Monthly News (AMMN): an African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration's Initiative
The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) is the African Union Commission’s Specialized Technical Office based in Bamako, Mali, with the mandate to enhance understanding of Africa’s migration through studies, research, training, capacity building, and policy developments to ensure well-evidenced and data-driven policies that foster migration governance and the role of migration on inclusive sustainable social and economic development of the African continent.
The African Migration Monthly News (AMMN) is a compilation of African migration news. This African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration’s initiative endeavors to address the gaps in accessing timely and relevant information on African migration. The AMMN covers the essentials of information related to African migration monthly and aims to enhance understanding of African migration contemporary trends and patterns It provides relevant and up-to-date information on developments related to African migration that impact origin, transit, and destination countries and overall, on African migration governance and management and development trends.
Governments, regional stakeholders, international organizations, NGOs, experts, scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners can, therefore, access relevant information about contemporary African migration patterns and trends and the ensuing challenges and opportunities for African countries. They also can access information related to the conditions and hardships facing African migrants and their needs and concerns that can help in formulating policies and measures to address African migration-related challenges.
The news covers wide-ranging topics, including migration policy, irregular migration, labor migration, diaspora engagement for development, trafficking, smuggling of migrants, climate change induced migration, displacement, refugee movement, migration and development nexus, student migration, to name a few. Besides, the AMMI provides insights of the policy initiatives carried out by African governments, continental stakeholders, regional economic communities (RECs), international organizations, NGOs and other actors in the area of African migration. The Migration news relates to national, regional, continental and global coverage of African migration though the focus is on national coverage.
The news compiled pertains to the living and working conditions of African migrants in the destination countries and their initiatives related to origin countries and the challenges they face in origin, transit, and destination countries to help in the formulation and implementation of policies and measures for a regular, orderly, and safe migration.
The news also relates to initiatives and decisions taken by African Member States, AUC, RECs, and international organizations, NGOs, and other actors working on African migration issues per the national and international media coverage. They highlight developments in the legal, legislative, policy, and institutional instruments on African migration at national, regional, continental, and international levels as they appear in the media.

The African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration encourages African governments, AUC institutions, RECs, international organizations, NGOs, universities, research centers and migration associations to forward directly to the Centre any relevant information related to decisions and initiatives they have taken about African migration (at national, continental, regional or global levels) every month by using the following email:
The information, once reviewed, will appear in the migration news sheet that will be sent monthly to a broader audience composed of various national, regional, and international stakeholders and policymakers, experts, researchers, practitioners, students and other actors interested in African migration issues.
Given the complexity of African migration and the significant number of African countries to be covered, the African migration information sheet is by no means intended to be comprehensive or exhaustive. However, the initiative can contribute to strengthening understanding of African migration to foster knowledge production, policy formulation, and implementation on African migration.
The methodology underpinning the development of this African migration news sheet is the following:

- Searching through Google using the keywords: “migration”, “migrant”, “diaspora”, “refugee”, “displacement”;
- Restricting the research only to news covering the specified month for each of the African countries.
When countries are not listed in this info sheet, it simply means it was impossible to garner information covering the specified month for such countries. For the sake of intellectual property rights and to avoid a voluminous report, only the title of the article news, the date of publication, and the link were mentioned in this information sheet. Please, click on the link or copy the link in your browser to access to the article.
For more information, please contact
Ibrahima Amadou Dia,
Director of African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM) African Union Commission (AUC)
Bamako, Mali