Director of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM)
Contact: Ibrahima.Dia@africa-union.org
Ibrahima Amadou Dia is the Director of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration (ACSRM), the African Union Commission’s specialized technical agency devoted to strengthening studies, research, capacity building, training, and policies on African migration.
He has an excellent knowledge of the global/international and African agenda on migration. He has worked on various migration issues, including international highly skilled migration, migration and development, transnational migration, diasporas, labor migration, migration of health professionals, gender and migration, migration and health, student migration, human trafficking and smuggling, irregular migration, migration governance, criminalization of international migration, migration policy, national migration profile, migration policy, assessment of migration policy, legal, legislative, and institutional frameworks.
Aside from migration, he has extensively worked on issues about aging, indigenous peoples, gender, poverty, sustainable social and economic development, social protection, informal economy, globalization, fundamental rights at work, and global health issues.
He had a wealth of experience on migration issues from an academic and policy standpoint. He held several academic and research positions in universities and research centers in Europe, North America, and Africa, including extensive teaching and supervision experiences. He was a Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Sociology at the University of Geneva, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Sociology and Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim (Norway), a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) at the York University in Toronto (Canada), and a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Sociology at the City University of London.
He has worked as a Staff member, an Expert, Adviser, or International Consultant with various international organizations: the United Nations Population Division and the UN Indigenous Peoples’ Development Branch at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs; the African Union Commission; the African Development Bank; the International Labor Organization; the International Organization for Migration; the former Global Commission on International Migration; the International Centre for Migration Policy Development; the United Nations Office against HIV AIDS; and the International Committee of Red Cross and Crescent.
He drafted national migration policies and action plans and assessed the migration policy, legal, legislative, and institutional frameworks for several African countries and beyond Africa. He developed the National Migration Strategy for the Republic of Djibouti and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Migration Strategy for the Republic of Djibouti; the National Migration Policy for the Republic of Belize, the National Labor Migration Policy of the Republic of Sudan and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Labor Migration Policy for the Republic of Sudan. He also drafted the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Continental Strategy for Africa that lays the foundations for enhanced partnership between IOM and the African Union, African Regional Economic Communities, and Member States to maximize the benefits of migration and address its negative perceptions. He developed the African Health Practitioner Migration and Mobility Study that endeavored to lay the foundations for an Africa Union (AU) Continental Policy on African Health Practitioner Migration and Mobility. He carried out a comprehensive Assessment of nine Southern Development African Communities (SADC) countries’ national migration policies, legal, legislative, and institutional frameworks: South Africa, Botswana, Seychelles, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Madagascar, Eswatini, and Comoros. He also conducted a comprehensive Assessment of Senegal’s national labor migration policies, legislations, laws, and institutional frameworks.
He has extensively published in academic journals and advised government stakeholders, regional economic communities, and international policymakers on migration and other social science topics. He has participated in several international migration-related funded research projects, academic conferences, policy dialogues, and scholarly and professional associations worldwide.
He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Geneva, a Master’s in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, and a Master’s and a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (Post-Master’ degree) in Sociology from the University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis, Senegal.
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2018). “The International Health Labor Migration to Switzerland: Key Challenges for Its Governance”. Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-018-0609-6, September 2018
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2010). “Indian scientific diasporas to Switzerland” in Tejada, G., and Bolay, J. C. eds. 2010. Scientific diasporas as development partners: Skilled migrants from Colombia, India and South Africa in Switzerland: Empirical evidence and policy responses. Peter Lang.
Ionescu, Dina; Dia, Ibrahima Amadou; Guissé, Ibrahima (2009). Le Potentiel de Développement des Migrants Transnationaux d’Afrique Subsaharienne dans le Secteur de la Santé à Genève. [The Development Potential of Transnational Migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa in the Geneva Health Sector]. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.
Available at: https://publications.iom.int/fr/books/le-potentiel-de-developpement-des-migrants-transnationaux-dafrique-subsaharienne-dans-le
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2006). « Déterminants, enjeux et perceptions des migrations scientifiques internationales africaines : le cas du Sénégal ». [Determinants, stakes at play and perceptions about international scientific migration from Africa: the case of Senegal]. in Bilger, V. and Kraler, A. (eds.) African Migrations. Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Dynamics, Vienna Journal of African Studies. STICHPROBEN. N° 8 Pp. 141-172
Download an earlier version of the document published in the Global Migration Perspectives here.
Also available at : https://www.iom.int/resources/determinants-enjeux-et-perceptions-des-migrations-scientifiques-internationales-africaines-le-senegal or
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2005). De l’utilité de genre dans les politiques et les programmes de prévention du sida dans le contexte migratoire. [The Usefulness of gender in HIVAIDS prevention policies and programs in the context of migration]. Global Commission on International Migrations, Global Migration Perspectives No. 55 Geneva.
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2005). Migrations internationales estudiantines, internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur et fuite des cerveaux. [International student migration, internationalization of higher education and brain drain]. Global Commission on International Migrations, Global Migration Perspectives No. 54. Geneva.
Available at: https://www.iom.int/resources/migrations-internationales-estudiantines-internationalisation-de-lenseignement-superieur-et-fuite-des-cerveaux
or https://www.iom.int/sites/2018-07/gmp54.pdf
Dia, Ibrahima Amadou (2004). “Brain drain in selected African countries: determinants, evidence and impacts” in Entzinger, H.; Martiniello, M.; and Withol de Wenden, C., Aldershot (eds.) (2004). Migrations between States and Markets. Aldershot, Ashgate: 186-200. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Dia Ibrahima Amadou Dia (2022) African Health Practitioner Migration and Mobility Study. Final report. International Labor Organization.
Available at:
African Union Website: https://au.int/en/documents/20220531/african-health-practitioner-migration-and-mobility-study
ILO Website: https://www.ilo.org/africa/information-resources/publications/WCMS_853280/lang–en/index.html
Dia Ibrahima Amadou (2022) Rapport National Volontaire Examen de la Mise en OEuvre du Pacte Mondial pour des Migrations Sures, Ordonnées et régulières à Djibouti. [National Voluntary Report Review of the Implementation of the Global Compact on Secure, Orderly, and Regular Migration in Djibouti].
Available at: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/imrf-djibouti.pdf
Dia Ibrahima Amadou (2020) International Organization for Migration (IOM) Continental Strategy for Africa. Geneva: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Available at: https://publications.iom.int/books/iom-continental-strategy-africa-2020-2024
Dia Ibrahima Amadou Dia (2021) Plan d’Action de la Stratégie Nationale de la Migration de la République de Djibouti [Action Plan for the National Migration Policy for the Republic of Djibouti].
Dia Ibrahima Amadou Dia (2021) Stratégie Nationale de la Migration de la République de Djibouti [National Migration Policy for the Republic of Djibouti].